介绍尿基复合肥熔盐团粒、喷浆造粒、尿液联产三项工艺节能降耗及实现无返料、无干燥、无污染特点、界定范围和不同规模装置投入产出比。强调我国加入WTO后 ,应加大具有我国自主知识产权核心技术尿基复肥工艺实施力度保住国产复肥市场占有量 ,并力促尿基复肥工艺跨出国门 ,走向国际市场。
This article introduces the energy-saving and consumption-reducing measures for fused salt granulation process, spray granulation process and urea solution production process in urea-base compound fertilizer production. No return, no drying and no pollution are realized. It also emphasizes that our country must strength the pramotion of urea-base compound fertilizer technique with our own intellectual property after we join WTO. So as to maintain the domestic compound fertilizer proportion and to try to export our compound fertilizer.
Chemical Engineering Design Communications