野生茶树可可茶 (CamelliaptilophyllaChang)由于其芽叶中的嘌呤生物碱主要为可可碱 ,因而不同于传统茶叶。通过化学筛选 ,在纯种无性苗建立的可可茶基地上 ,随机进行单株取样 ,对可可茶的水浸出物、游离氨基酸、水溶性糖、茶多酚、儿茶素类、花青素、嘌呤生物碱等成分进行了检测。将这些结果与野生可可茶相关成份进行比较 ,发现可可茶经人工栽培后 ,含优势可可碱的特点保持不变 ,游离氨基酸总量和儿茶素类含量得到了明显的提高。进一步与传统茶叶比较后 ,得出两者之间的最大差异是可可茶含可可碱 ,不含咖啡碱 ;传统茶叶含咖啡碱为主 ,同时伴生相当于 0 .5~ 1%咖啡碱量的可可碱。
Cocoa tea(Camellia ptilophylla Chang)is a wild species of Sect. Thea (L.) Dyer in Genus Camellia.It is different from traditional tea in view of the content of theobromine in its buds and young shoots. Ten cultivated cocoa tea plants were selected in random from cocoa tea seedlings four-years old,which were propagated by asexual method from the mother trees containing theobromine rather than caffeine. One bud with two leaves were collected for analyses of the contents of water extract,general amino acids,water soluble saccharides,tea polyphenols,general catechins,anthocyanians and purine alkaloids. The data were compared with those of wild cocoa tea and of traditional tea,respectively. Cultivated cocoa tea still maintained theobromine as predominant purine alkaloid,and the contents of general amino acids and the catechins were significantly increased after domestication and cultivation. Compared to traditional tea,the most differnce is presented in the content of purine alkaloids.
Natural Product Research and Development
国家自然科学基金项目 (3 95 70 0 81)
广州市科技局项目 (2 0 0 1 T 0 12 0 1)