The cells without liquid junction: Ag -AgCl, KCl(m1)+ KHCO3 (m2), K + ion sensitive membrane electrode, have been used to determine the activity coefficient of KCl, in KC1+KHCO3 aqueous solutions at constant ion strengths (I = 0. 1, 0. 3, and 0. 7) at 298. 15K, which covers concentration ranges of KCl and KHCO3 from 0. 02 to 0. 676m and from 0. 01 to 0. 12m, respectively. We have found that the relationship between the logarithm of the mean activity coefficient of KCl and the concentration of KHCO3 in the above mixtures can be described by the follwing equation : 1g γ1±=1g γ10± -a12m2 - β2m22. The Harned Rule coefficients a12and β12 at each ion strength have been computed by the least square method. The mean activity coefficients of KCl and KHCO3 of the mixed salts solutions were evaluated by the Pitzer equations. The stoi-chiometric association constants KHCO30 were calculated by a simple iterative process. The results were fitted into an empirical equation of the form In K =a+bm/I. The value of K obtained from the above equation is 1. 03 at the ionic strength of sea water (I = 0. 7) and m2 = 0. 002mol/kg. The thermodynamic association constant of KHCO30 was obtained by extrapolating the stoichiometric association constant to infinite dilution is 1.80 at 298. 15K
Potassium chloride
potassium bicarbonate
activity coefficient
association constant
Harned equation
Pitzer equation
electrolyte solution