It has been traditionally accepted that Wudacheng City—the capital city of Wu Kingdom in the late stage in the Spring and AutumnPeriod was located in the present ancient city of Suzhou and concerned studies on the planning of the capital city are all done on this basis. Ithas been proposed in recent archeological work that the Wudacheng City was located by the side of what is now called Lingyan Hill. The paperdiscusses the planning concept and characteristics of Wudacheng City on the basis of the discovery. It points out that the planning ofWudacheng city had taken into full consideration such factors as safety, economy and traffic, etc. and the planning of Wudacheng City is ofgreat significance to the construction of Suzhous best residential environment, the promotion of the big development of tourism in Suzhou andthe improvement of the citys capacity in fighting disasters, development of traffic on water and the study of the Wu Culture. In addition, it canfurther promote the utilization of the rich natural resources and human resources from the mountainous regions in the western region of Suzhouto push the economic development in Suzhou.[