意大利人郎世宁于公元1688年(清.康熙二十七年)7月19日出生在米兰,原名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥内(Giuseppe Castiglione)。19岁时他加入了热那亚耶稣会,不久即运用他的艺术才华为该市修道院内小教堂绘了两幅宗教画,展露了他的艺术才华。当时欧洲的知识分子对中国文化极为向往,年甫弱冠的郎世宁就请求该会派他前往中国。
An Italian, Long Shining,arrived in China in July of 1715 out of longing to the Chinese culture. Immediately he was appointed asroyal painter painted for the Chinese Emperor,exerting his advantage with regard to the canvas,the Chinese painting, the scenogra-phy and the architecure, especially throwing great influence to the creation of chinese painting. he was adept at the fine art mixingthe Chinese painting technique with the characters of westem art, blending traditional chinese realistic painting with three-dimen-sions of western painting to form his unique style. In some way, he represented the collision between western and Chinese culture.
Southeast Culture