当前 ,明星广告代言受到了包括广告主、广告商和消费者的一致追捧 ,在业界形成了一股前所未有的代言热潮。这种“皆大欢喜式”的成功 ,常常使广告主放松了警惕 ,忽略了明星广告代言可能给产品和品牌带来的风险 ,也使广告理论界失去了应有的冷静 ,忽视了对明星广告代言的风险反思。明星广告代言背后潜藏的巨大风险 ,宜从强化市场定位 ,签订道德条款 ,整合营销传播 ,建立预警机制 。
At present, the star-propaganda strategy is pursued by clients, advertisers and customers. An unprecedented tide of spokesmen has taken shape in advertisement industry. This paper points out the great risks about advertisement spokesmen on the basis of analyzing a large number of Chinese and foreign cases and puts forward countermeasures to eliminate these risks at 5 aspects.
Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)