滑坡坝及形成的堰塞湖在世界各国特别是山区一带广泛分布。它能够形成天然水库 ,在发生溃坝和洪水漫坝的情况下 ,造成的灾害损失很大。历史上产生过许多天然滑坡坝 ,有些很快发生溃坝 ,有些存在时间很长。存在时间较长的滑坡坝 ,它周围风景秀丽 ,成为旅游热点地区 ,同时也可开发其水资源。滑坡坝的形成有滑坡堵江、崩塌堵江和泥石流堵江 3种形式 ,它的形成机制对于滑坡坝的存在时间起了重要的作用。在开发和利用滑坡坝时 ,它的成因机制需要分析评价。本文对某滑坡坝的形成机制进行了研究 ,在研究某滑坡坝时发现 ,它由左右两岸的滑坡共同作用形成 ,这种形成模式在国内外报道很少 。
Landslide-dams and associated lakes occur in many places around the world, which create natural reservoirs with their occurrence. However, they can cause great damages as floods break them or cause excessive overflow. Historically, some of them have broken quickly, while others could exist for a long time, and can create beautiful landscapes and/or hot spots for tourists around them. They can also help in the development of sustainable water resources. Landslide dams can be classified as three types: landslide dams, rock fall dams and debris flow dams based on their genesis. Because the life of a landslide-dam is determined by its genesis, it is very important to understand its genetic mechanism in their utilization. The paper analyzed the genesis of a landslide-dam, which was formed by slides from both its left and right banks. Because such a dam has been reported rarely, the results presented in this paper will provide a good guideline for future investigation of similar projects.
Journal of Engineering Geology