

Benefit of earlier power generation at Geheyan hydroelectric station
摘要 隔河岩水电站由大坝、电站、升船机三大建筑物组成。1986年经国家计委批准兴建。从施工准备期开始,到第一台机组并网发电,仅用6年半的时间,速度快,质量好。施工中采取以下措施,加快了施工速度:1、导流隧洞与施工准备工程同步,当年开工、当年截流;2、加快大坝混凝土浇筑进度,将河床坝段尽快抢浇至85米高程,基本克服了洪水对大坝及消力池施工的制约;3、帷幕灌浆中优化设计,减少工作量,并采用开挖竖井、洞室切断外漏断层等处理措施;4、引水隧洞采用针梁模板,环形预应力锚索采用导向锥形束夹具等新技术、新工艺。本电站经审定在1993年12月底1~#机组发电。根据施工速度快的实际情况,可提前在1993年7月1日有一台机组发电。按电站“二、二发电”方案,电站提前发电可增加发电量20.1亿千瓦小时,增收7.0752亿元。 The Geheyan hydropower station is composed of three main structures: the main dam, pow- erhouse and shiplift. The start-up of its construction was approved by the State Planning Commission in 1986. From the beginning of its preparatory work of construction to the commissioning of its first power unit generation, it will take only 6 years. Its construction is of high speed and good quality. In order to speed up th construction work, the following measures have been adopted: (1) the construction of the diversion tunnel and preparatory works were started parallelly so that the river closure was completed within the first year of construction. (2) The concrete placement of the main dam with outlets was quickened so as to ease flood season situation and basically overcome the construction difficulties of dam and plunge pool caused by flood. (3) The design of curtain grouting was optimized to reduce the work load and shafts and cave exca- vation and other measures of treatment were used to cut off the leakage fault and to ensure solid founda tion. (4) Some new techniques were implemented, such as the series beam forms for concrete lining of in- take tunnel and innovated technology for circular pre-stressed cable anchorage. Power generation by the first unit of Geheyan powerhouse is originally predetermined at the end of 1993, but according to the actually achieved construction schedule it can be advanced to July 1, 1993. which will increase its 1993 power output of 2. 01 Twh or earn revenues of 707. 52 million yuan (RMB).
作者 郑守仁
出处 《人民长江》 北大核心 1993年第5期1-4,共4页 Yangtze River
关键词 隔河岩水电站 发电 经济效益 Geheyan Hydropower station power generation ahead of schedule new technology economic benefet
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