随着社会可持续发展战略的实施和人们环境意识的加强 ,无铅压电陶瓷及其应用已成为了当前铁电压电材料及其应用研究的热点。本文根据近期国内外有关无铅压电陶瓷的发展 ,结合本课题组肖定全教授等近年在无铅压电陶瓷的研究 ,对无铅压电陶瓷的研究进展及应用现状进行了综述 ,重点介绍了BaTiO3 基、Bi1/ 2 Na1/ 2 TiO3 基、碱金属铌酸盐基、钨青铜结构和铋层状结构五大体系无铅压电陶瓷的性能。
Today, the researches of lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and their applications are extremely important as a result of implementing the strategy which the society of the world can sustainablly develop, and strengthening to the consciousness of environmental protection. The recent progress of lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and the present conditions of the applications of these materials are summarized and analyzed on the basis of the development of the domestic and overseas involved in these ceramics, including the researches of professor Xiao Dingquan and his group in recent years. The properties of the five systems such as BaTiO 3, Bi 1/2Na 1/2TiO 3-based, alkaline niobate-based, tungsten-bronze structure, and bismuth-layer structure lead-free piezoelectric ceramics, and the applications and the prospects of Bi 1/2Na 1/2TiO 3-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramics applied to filters are reviewed.
Metallic Functional Materials