司马迁的悲惨遭遇促使他的思想认识产生质的飞跃。《史记》多处闪烁着批判和进步的光芒 ,人物传记尤其获得非常高的成就。但个人灾难也对人物传记的写作产生不良影响 ,使他不时地失去史学家的冷静 ,在素材的取舍、人物的评价上有不当之处 ;为一些不足称道的人物立传 ,有损于《史记》
It was his tragic personal experience that produced a leap in Sima Qian when he wrote his masterpiece Historical Records,in which criticism and progress dominant.But at thc same time this personal disaster made the historian unfair in his selecting of materials and his evaluating of historical figures,and made his book historically unreliable
Journal of Weinan Normal University