
Real-time Face Detection using Skin Color Model

Real-time Face Detection using Skin Color Model
摘要 This paper presents a new face detection approach to real-time applications, which is based on the skin color model and the morphological filtering. First the non-skin color pixels of the input image are removed based on the skin color model in the YC rC b chrominance space, from which we extract candidate human face regions. Then a mathematical morphological filter is used to remove noisy regions and fill the holes in the candidate skin color regions. We adopt the similarity between the human face features and the candidate face regions to locate the face regions in the original image. We have implemented the algorithm in our smart media system. The experiment results show that this system is effective in real-time applications. This paper presents a new face detection approach to real-time applications, which is based on the skin color model and the morphological filtering. First the non-skin color pixels of the input image are removed based on the skin color model in the YC rC b chrominance space, from which we extract candidate human face regions. Then a mathematical morphological filter is used to remove noisy regions and fill the holes in the candidate skin color regions. We adopt the similarity between the human face features and the candidate face regions to locate the face regions in the original image. We have implemented the algorithm in our smart media system. The experiment results show that this system is effective in real-time applications.
出处 《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》 EI CSCD 2004年第3期79-83,共5页 中国邮电高校学报(英文版)
基金 ThisprojectwassupportedinpartbyaHongKongResearchGrantsCouncil (RGC)ProjectNo .CityUHK #90 4 0 6 90 873 aStrategicDevelopmentGrant (SDG)ProjectNo.#70 10 0 2 3 873 anAppliedResearchGrantProjectNo.#96 40 0 0 2 873andRCMTProjectNo .#936 0 0 80 873 from
关键词 real time face detection the skin color model mathematical morphological filter real time face detection the skin color model mathematical morphological filter
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