通过两个实例,计算表明K计算法和径差法均是可行的;两者在Di和Si两组数列中,道次最大相对差异为2 52%。但前者计算简便,所需已知数据少,并且具有灵活性,能适应较为复杂多变的实际生产情况。所推荐的K计算法,也适用于编制板带材轧制压下规程。
Both K calculation method and diameter difference calculation method are proven feasible through their applications to two cases. It is found that in regard to two different groups of figures ( Di and Si ), the maximum pass reduction difference between the calculated figures of the two methods is 252%. The former method is simpler and requires less data. Besides, it is more flexible and compatible with concrete complicated and changing conditions for production.Therefore, K calculation method is to be preferred. It is also applicable to the compilation of rolling schedules for strip and sheet.
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals