在前文研究影响丙烯酸酯细乳液稳定性众多因素的基础上 ,测定加分散相前乳化剂与助乳化剂所形成的复合胶束和加分散相后的细乳液的单体液滴粒径大小及乳液水相乳化剂浓度 ,提出在低乳化剂浓度下制备高稳定细乳液的机理 ,并进一步归纳出制备高稳定细乳液的最佳工艺。
In this work, acrylate monomers miniemulsion with high stability and low emulsifier concentration was prepared. Basing on the measurement of the emulsifier concentration of medium phase and the particle size, i.e. the compound micelle of emulsifier and coemulsifier before the addition of monomers, and the colloid particle of miniemulsion after the addition of monomers, it proposed the mechanism of preparing high stability emulsion under low emulsifier concentration. Also, it concluded the optimum technics of preparing high stability emulsion.
Chinese Journal of Colloid & Polymer