自 19世纪末以来 ,西方哲学就出现了“深重的危机” ,其表征是哲学作为自由的科学的衰微 ,人对“未来”的遗忘。然而 ,从哲学史上看 ,哲学原本就生存于“危机”中 ,故当代哲学在“危机 -机遇”中 ,凭借经验的更大的积累和理论的更高的精细 ,出现更高形态之哲学的“可能性” ,是“必然”的。
Since the end of the 19th century, there has been a crisis-ridden Western philosophy which has found expression in the decline of philosophy as a free science and the oblivion of “future”. However, judging from the history of philosophy, philosophy has survived in “crisis”. Thus, the “possibility” that modern philosophy will reach a higher level while facing “crisis & opportunity” will be a “must”.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition