黑龙江省应当充分发挥高纬度农业大省的独特优势,积极开发具有本地特色的农业旅游产品,大力发展 ND 式、NH 式、KD 式和 KH 式农业旅游。而其对策思路是:通过采取借助本地现有成型的旅游强项带动作用,发挥绿色食品生产大省的产业优势,以本省优势农产品作为支撑,把本地农业特产作为依托,充分利用与农产品相关的节庆、会展活动,在城市周边乡村开展避暑休闲度假等措施,推出凸显绿色生态和夏季清凉的农业旅游系列产品。黑龙江省农业旅游要以科学发展观为指导,坚持以人为本,走可持续发展道路,注重保护农业生态环境,保持农村民俗风貌,加强对旅游参与者的教育和培训,发挥政府的监管、调控和职能服务。
Making full use of advantages of major agriculture province in high latitude,Heilongjiang province can develop many fascinating agro-tourism products with unique local characteristics,developing 4 types of agro-tourism: Inter-regional and Agriculture solely(QD),Inter-regional and Mixed Industries(QH),Regional and Agriculture solely(KD),and Regional and Mixed Industries(KH).This paper has proposed some strategies to develop charac- teristic agro-tourism in Heilongjiang:taking the existing mature tourism products as basis;making full use of advan- tages of major green food production hase;relying on predominate agriculture products and local agriculture specialty ;making use of agricultural festivals and exhibitions;developing recreational and holiday agro-tourism in city sub- urbs and exurbs. To develop characteristic agro-tourism,the scientific model of human-based and sustainable development need to be adapted.Protecting ecological environment,maintaining the original countryside scene,enhancing the educa- tion to the tourists should be of great attention.At the same time,government functions such as inspection,regula- tion and service should be called into play.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University:Social Science Edition