
全光波长转换技术的原理及应用 被引量:2

The Theory and Application of AOWC
摘要 详细介绍了多种全光波长转换(AOWC)的方法、原理、特性以及性能比较,分类介绍了目前常用的全光波长转换器(AOWC)的实现方案,并对其发展提出了几点看法. The methods, principle, characteristics and capabilities of AOWC were introduced and compared in this article, the realized schemes of AOWC in common use were introduced in classification, and the opinions to the AOWC'developments were also provided.
出处 《光电子技术与信息》 2004年第6期49-53,共5页 Optoelectronic Technology & Information
关键词 全光波长转换 交叉增益调制 交叉相位调制 四波混频 波分复用 all-optical wavelength conversion(AOWC) cross-gain modulation (XGM) cross-phase modula-tion(XPM) four-wave-mixing( FWM) wavelength decision multiplexing(WDM)
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