目的 :观察不同浓度NGF对大鼠海马神经元缺氧的保护作用。方法 :采用MTT比色法测定NGF对缺氧神经细胞活性的影响 ,测定LDH漏出率 ,分光光度法检测MDA ,同时进行形态学观察。结果 :各浓度NGF均对大鼠海马神经元缺氧损伤具有保护作用 ,NGF明显减少缺氧所增加的LDH漏出率和MDA含量 ,且能减轻细胞的形态学损伤。结论 :NGF可以通过减少LDH漏出率和MDA含量 。
Objective:To investigate the effect of NGF on the anoxic response of primary hippocampal neurons.Methods:Newborn(<24h) SD rats were used.Hippocampal neurons having been cultured for 7d were randomly divided into three groups:control group,anoxia group,NGF groups( 1、5、10、50、100μg/L).Lactic dehydrogenase(LDH) efflux、MDA and cell surviving rate were assayed.Results:LDH efflux ratio and MDA content were significantly increased in anoxia group(P<0 01) as compared with that in control group.NGF reduced the increase in LDH efflux by anoxia in a concentration-dependent manner.NGF enhanced the neuron viability significantly.Conclusions:NGF can enhance the tolerance of anoxia in primary cultured hippocampal neurons by decreasing LDH efflux ratio and MDA content.
Chinese Medical JOurnal of Communications