目的 :研究氯沙坦在治疗高血压合并高尿酸血症时的作用。方法 :选择高血压合并高尿酸血症患者10 0例 ,随机分两组 ,各 5 0例 ,1组单用氯沙坦 ,2组为氯沙坦联用氢氯噻嗪等其他降血压药物者 ;并以卡托普利治疗为对照组 ,观察治疗后 3天、1周、2周、4周各组患者血尿酸、尿尿酸、尿蛋白的水平变化。结果 :氯沙坦治疗 1周后血尿酸明显下降 ,2 4h尿尿酸排出量明显增加 ,同时伴 2 4h尿蛋白排出减少。结论 :氯沙坦降压同进能降血尿酸 ,且对肾脏有保护作用。
Objective: To study the effects of by losartan in treating patients with hypertension associated with hyperuricemia.Methods: 96 patients with hypertension and were divided into two groups by random (group 1∶50cases, group2∶46cases). Group 1 included patients only taking.Group 2 included patients taking losartan combined other antihypertensive drugs including hydrochlorothiazide. 40cases patients taking captopril was control group. Observed the change of uricacidemia, uricacid in urine and urinary protein of two groups after treatment for 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks.Results: Uricacidemia had apparently reduced after losartan treatment for 3 days and the outage of 24 h uricacid had apparently increased with the outage of 24 h urnary protein decreasing.Conclusion: Losartan can be used for underpressure and treating uricacidemia and protection of kidneys.
Henan Medical Research