目的 :报告 2 5例误食猪甲状腺组织引起急性中毒的临床表现及治疗手段。方法 :2 5例中毒者 ,全部在同日同一个猪肉摊点购买并添加小肉块组织 ,熟食后 6~ 2 4h先后发病 ,主要表现神经、精神、消化、内分泌、心血管及泌尿系统损害 ,血FT3 、FT4异常升高 ,TSH正常。无 1例发生甲亢危象。结果 :经过抗甲状腺素药物、镇静药、大剂量维生素和保护重要脏器功能类药物及对症治疗 ,发病 10~ 3 0d恢复正常。结论 :摄入猪甲状腺组织扰乱人体正常内分泌功能 ,是造成多系统损害的中毒根源 ,且食入越多中毒程度越重。
Objective: A report of clinical representation and treatment of 25 people who have got an acute toxicosis by mis-eating the pig's thyroid gland.Methods: All the 25 poisoner,who buy the same thyroid gland and add little part of the organization at the same pork stall in the same day fall ill in the successive 6~24 hours after eaten the cooked meat.The main symptom is the damage of the neural,spirital,digested,endocrine,cardiovascular,urinary system,the abnormally high of blood FT 3 and FT 4,TSH is normal.No crisis of hyperthyroid.Results: After the medication of resisting thyroxin,sedative,a great dose of vitamine and the medicine which can protect the important viscera.Using the right treatment,the patient will be recovered after 10~30 days.Conclusion: The pig's thyroid gland that have been eaten by people disturbs the normal function of people's internal secretion.It is the root which leads to the damage of multi-system and the more you eat,the more serious the toxicosis will be.
Henan Medical Research