目的 探讨发热病人宣教及护理方法。方法 回顾性总结本人于 2 0 0 3年 5月 3日~ 2 5日在发热留观病房收治 2 8例病人的宣教与护理。结果 2 8例病人中 ,包括二例非典型肺炎疑似病人均在良好的心理状态下接受治疗。并且能正确的认识和了解非典的预防。结论 对发热留观病人及时进行出、入院宣教和心理护理能有效的提高病人对非典的认识 ,配合治疗做好预防工作。
objective To study the health education and nursing method for th e inpatients with fever. Methods The experience of health ed ucation and nursin g in 28 inpatients with fever were summarized retrospectively during the time fr om May 3 to May 25 in 2003. Results 28 patients, including 2 SARS suspects, re ceived the treatment with good psychological state, and got some knowledge of th e prevention of SARS. Conclusions Health education and psych ological care for inpatients with fever at the time of hospitalizing and leaving hospital are of g reat advantage to the prevention and treatment of SARS.
Applied Journal Of General Practice