本文依据《广东高校现代教育技术一五一工程实施方案》(粤教高[2001]108号)明确提出:"开发100 个专题学习网站。……"的要求,对专题学习网站制作中的选题、组织开发人员以及选择开发工具等问题 进行探讨,并提出自己的一些看法。
According to the requirement 'to develop 100 websites for studying special subjects', which is clearly put forth in the 'Programme to Implement the 'One-Five-One' Project for Modern Educational Technology in Universities in Guangdong Province' (Guangdong Higher Education Document [2001] No. 108), in the present paper, we have explored questions such as organization of developers, selection of subjects and developing instruments for preparing websites for studying special subjects;besides, we have raised some of our viewpoints.
Journal of Panzhihua University