在射频频谱分析和宽带调制测量中 ,需要实时采集处理高速的中频数字化信号 ,其A/D变换精度和数据传输速率是制约系统测量性能的基本因素。本文以实例介绍了一种基于PCI总线数据采集系统的设计方案。采集系统包括模拟输入、A/D变换、数据缓存、数据DMA传输及PCI总线接口等电路 ,文中还深入论述了在Windows98/ 2 0 0 0
In RF spectrum analysis and wide-band modulation measurement,the accuracy and speed of A/D conversion are key to system performance in IF digitization subsystem. A high-speed and high-accuracy data acquisition system based on PCI bus is introduced. It includes analog input, A/D conversion, data buffering, DMA transferring and PCI interface. This paper discusses how to write driver about transferring by using DMA based on PCI bus on the platform of Windows 98/2000/XP.
Foreign Electronic Measurement Technology