
关键链技术研究与基于关键链的项目管理系统 被引量:20

Technological research of critical chain based on project management system
摘要 关键链(Critical Chain)是Eli Goldratt博士提出的一种基于约束理论(Theory of Constraints)的项目管理方法。自1997年被提出以来,基于关键链的项目管理技术(CCPM)受到日益广泛的关注。通过介绍关键链技术的原理和运用,实现关键链技术的核心问题--多资源约束下的进度编排问题(MRCPSP,Multi-Resources Constrained Project Sched-uling Problem)和用来实现MRCPSP的启发式算法,阐述了一个基于关键链的项目管理系统的设计与实现。 Critical chain is a new project management method brought forward by Dr Eli Goldratt, which bases on theory of constrains. Since it was proposed in 1997, critical chain based on project management (CCPM) has been studied and applied by more and more people. Firstly, the theory and application of CCPM are addressed. Secondly, as the central problem of CCPM, multiple resources constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) is introduced followed by a Heuristic algorithm to realize the MRCPSP. Finally, a CC-based on project management system is introduced.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 2004年第11期2077-2080,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 项目管理 关键链 关键路径 多资源约束进度编排问题 缓冲管理 启发式算法 project management critical chain critical path multiple resource constrained project scheduling buffer management heuristic algorithm
  • 相关文献


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