为了解水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)地方株的形态与形态发生特点及其繁殖机理,使用负染和超薄切片电镜技术对VZV J_1株进行了研究。结果表明,Hep-2细胞在感染VZV J_1后5h可在细胞核内观察到病毒核心和核衣壳,10h在细胞质、细胞核、细胞外均可见完整病毒颗粒。病毒颗粒大小基本一致,直径150~180mm。病毒通过核膜或细胞膜或空泡膜获得包膜,有时3~4个核衣壳具有一个共同的包膜。细胞核内和细胞质内均可见大小、形状不一的电子致密体和网状结构或布纹样结构。原代兔肾细胞感染VZV J_1后10h才能见到病毒结构,细胞外病毒明显少于Hep-2细胞,也未见细胞膜芽生和核内有膜病毒,但网状结构或布纹样结构数量多且结构清晰。负染法可见病毒核衣壳表面壳微粒,病毒呈圆形或椭圆形。
We studied the morphology and morphogenesis of the isolated
varicella-zoster virus(VZV)with electron microscope by negative staining
and ultrathin section so as to know its morphological characteristics and
replication mechanism.The results showed that a large number of viral cores were seen in the nuclei,and a small number of nucleocapsids and
crystal-like structure composed of viral capsomeres were observed both in
the nuclei and cytoplasms of Hep-2 cells at 5h postinfection and in primary
rabbit kidney cells at 10h postinfection.Intact virions,which are 150-180nm
in diametre,appeared in the nuclei,cytoplasms and outside the infected
cells at 10h postinfection.Some extracellular VZV virions are quite bizarre,
with plcomorphic morphology,open envelopes,disrupted capsids and absent
cores.Nucleocapsids and cores are 75-100nm and 35-55nm in diametre res-
pectively.The virus was enveloped by budding through nuclear membrane,
cytoplasmic membrane or vacuole and sometimes 3-4 nucleocapsids in one
common envelope。Electron dense bodies with different size and shape were
also seen in the nuclei,and cytoplasms。Negative staining showed that cap-
someres on the surfaces of round nucleocapsids,which have the same size
and morphology,were clearly seen。It was proved that the isolated VZV
possesses its own morphological characteristics.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Shandong
Varicella-zoster virus