Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Dermatology and Venereology)
1Arcos-Burgos M, Parodi E, Salgar M, et al. Vitiligo : complex segregation and linkage disequilibrium analyses with respect to microsatel-lite loci spanning the HLA. Hum Genet, 2002, 110:334 - 342.
2Zhang XJ, Liu JB, Gui JP,et al. Characteristics of genetic epidemiology and genetic models for vitiligo. J Am Acad Dermatol, 2004, 51 :383 -390.
3Nath SK, Kelly JA, Namjou B, et al. Evidence for a susceptibility gene, SLEV1, on chromosome 17p13 in families with vitiligo-related systemic lupus erythematosus. Am J Hum Genet, 2001, 69:1401.
4Alkhateeb A, Stetler GL, Old W,et al. Mapping of an autoimmunity susceptibility locus ( AIS1 ) to chromosome 1 p31.3 - p32.2. Hum Mol Genet, 2002, 11:661 -667.
5Fain PR, Gowan K, LaBerge GS, et al. A genomewide screen for generalized vitiligo : confirmation of AIS1 on chromosome 1 p31 and evidence for additional susceptibility loci. Am J Hum Genet, 2003,72 : 1560 - 1564.
6Nyholt DR. All LODs are not created equal. Am J Hum Genet,2000, 67:282 -288.
7Spritz RA, Gowan K, Bennett DC, et al. Novel vitiligo susceptibility loci on chromosomes 7 (AIS2) and 8 ( AIS3 ), confirmation of SLEV1 on chromosome 17, and their roles in an autoimmune diathesis. Am J Hum Genet, 2004, 74:188 - 191.
8Kemp EH, Ajjan RA, Waterman EA, et al. Analysis of a microsatellite polymorphism of the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen -4 gene in patients with vitiligo. Br J Dermatol, 1999, 140:73 -78.
9al-Fouzan A, al-Arbash M, Fouad F, et al. Study of HLA class I/IL and T lymphocyte subsets in Kuwaiti vitiligo patients. Eur J Immunogenet, 1995, 22:209 -213.
10Orecchia G, Perfetti L, Malagoli P,et al. Vitiligo is associated with a significant increase in HLA-A30, Cw6 and DQw3 and a decrease in C4AQ0 in northern Italian patients. Dermatology, 1992, 185:123.
1Tsiskqrishvili N.Cuprum sulfate and vitix in the treatment of vitiligo in children[J].Georgian Med News,2005,121(4):48-51.
2Jalel A,Soumaya GS,Hamdaoui MH.Vitiligo treatment with vitamins,minerals and polyphenol supplementation[J].Indian J Dermatol,2009,54(4):357-360.
3吴易,何钠,李菊裳,梁伶.广西白癜风患者70例血清锌铜含量测定[J].中国皮肤性病学杂志,2010,24(8):722-723. 被引量:5
4张建青,李建军.白癜风的表观遗传学研究进展[J].皮肤性病诊疗学杂志,2010,17(5):384-386. 被引量:8
1李敬,徐丽敏,毛舒和.银屑病易感基因位点PSORS1的研究进展[J].中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志,2004,3(4):250-253. 被引量:3
8朱玉洁,骆肖群,苏媁,傅海军,罗燕,翁孟武.天疱疮282例和类天疱疮366例回顾性研究[J].中华皮肤科杂志,2009,42(6):384-386. 被引量:3
10黄东辉,黎颖诗,黄艳,谭仲楷.火把花根片联合窄谱中波紫外线治疗寻常性银屑病疗效观察[J].中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志,2006,5(2):104-105. 被引量:4