林则徐结合恃民兴邦、恃民卫邦的斗争实践 ,慎于理论思辨 ,勇于实践求索 ,将传统的民本思想拓展提升到适合时代发展要求的新高度。从恤民生以筹国计到依恃民力发展生产 ,抓固本之根本 ;从单纯依靠农业的富民强国之方到重视商品经济、学习外国技艺、开拓新的生产力 ;从依恃民力固本兴邦到开发边疆 ,兵农合一 ,兴邦卫邦并进。
Lin Ze-xu advanced traditional democratic thoughts to a new high level in accordance with the age. He attacked the fundamental problems by shifting th e emphasis from sympathy with the people to relying on the people to develop pro duction. He also paid attention to commodity economy, study of foreign skills an d development of new productivity instead of relying solely on agriculture to ma ke the nation prosperous and strong. As for the nation's solidarity and safeguar d, he exploited the frontier and united military forces and farmers into one org anic group rather than rely mainly on civilian forces.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)