随着我国市场经济的发展和高等教育体制改革的不断深化 ,高等学校因为组织属性发生变化而成为一个具有越来越多企业特性的第三部门组织。人们对高等教育究竟是事业还是产业、高等学校究竟应当以事业模式还是以产业模式运作的问题一直争论不休 ,其原因在于对高校产品和市场的特性的认识不够深入 ;高等学校要在激烈的市场竞争中始终立于不败之地 ,就必须正确认识、合理利用高等教育产品和市场的特性 ,选择顺应高等教育体制改革趋势的运作管理模式。
With the development of China's market economy and the deepening of the reform o f higher education system, our institutions of higher education are becoming thi rd sector organizations with more and more characteristics of business organizat ions. It has been disputable about whether the institutions of higher education should implement the mode of managemet of business organizations or the mode of managemet of public organizations. We believe that the cause of the disputation lies in the lack of correct understanding of the true characteristics of the pro ducts and markets of higher education. To be always successful in the intense ma rket competitions, the institutions of higher education should have a correct un derstanding and make a rational use of the characteristics of the products and m arkets of higher education, and implement the mode of management which goes well with the reform of higher education system.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)