目的:研究和比较电刺激后颅窝后对不同病因所致的意识障碍改善状况探讨其可能机制。方法:使用CVFT-%;M型脑循环功能治疗仪,上海仁和公司研究,经皮电刺激后颅窝评价患者的意识清晰度,进行 Glasgow评分和脑电图监测。结果:治疗后患者意识障碍明显改善,应用脑循环功能治疗仪电刺激小脑顶核对意识障碍时缺血、缺氧的脑细胞有保护作用。
Objective: Study on the improvement and mechanism of the stimulation of the posterior cranial fossa of patiens with consciousness defects. Method: Using CUFT-% M Type Cerebal Circulation Treatment Apparatus to measure the clearly effects of conscousness by skin electric stimulation of the posterior cranial fossa, nucleus fastigii of cerebella, monitored EEC and estmated the improvement by a Glasgow's mark method. Results: After treatment the defects of consciousness improved significantly. This apparatus can also be used to improve cerebella ischimea with con-cious defect and protect the brain cells from hypoxia.
Sichuan Journal of Physiological Sciences