用伤寒—副伤寒甲、乙三联菌苗作家兔致热剂,进行了由平邑石膏和湖北石膏为君的白虎汤解热作用比较。结果表明:平邑石膏组方的白虎汤解热作用时间较长,6h 内平均退热0.30℃,湖北石膏组方的白虎汤解热作用时间较短,6h 内平均退热0.17℃,两组比较有统计学意义。平邑石膏组方的白虎汤在一次给药量为成人日用量的250倍或蓄积给药量为成人日用量的875倍时,均未见到明显的毒性改变。
The domestic rabbits are caused to fever by TAB and then compared with the antithermic effects of Baihutang within the pingyi calculus & calculus in Hubei as the principle,in order to be used of pingyi calculus in Shandong.The results show that the defervescence of Baihutang with Pingyi calculus is longer than the calculus in Hubei,the average defervescences are 0.30℃ and 0.17℃ in six hours.It's a statistical difference (p<0.05).There is no obervious change in toxicity,when the domestic rabbits are given for the Bai nu tang with Pingyi calculus as the prinsple,in any case the medication is 250 or 875 times los adults in one day.