目的 了解最大牙尖交错位MI与经校正得到的正中关系位CR头影测量结果差异 ,揭示下颌处于CR时的颅面骨骼特征。方法 用WilliamsCR头颅侧位片校正方法对 19例错患者MI头颅侧位片进行校正分析。结果 校正后面角、上下中切牙角显著减小 ,并节角、Y轴角、上下中切牙凸距显著增大 ,表明下颌后移 ;当髁突垂直向位移较大时 ,下颌向后移动趋势明显 ;面角、颌突角、ANB角、Y轴角、面轴角和上唇突度与髁突垂直向位移呈显著相关。结论 校正后的CR头影测量可揭示与常规拍摄的MI位片显著不同的上、下颌骨关系 ,有助于错的临床诊断和治疗设计。
Objective [WT5”BZ]To study the difference between MI and CR cephalometrics and attempt to reveal the characteristics of craniofacial skeletal structure in centric jaw relation. [WT5”HZ]Method [WT5”BZ]The transformation method modified by Williams was used to transfer cephalometric headfilm tracings taken in MI of 19 malocclusion patients.[WT5”HZ]Results [WT5”BZ]Compared with that in MI, the CR tracing shows NP FH and IA increased significantly while S Ar Go, Y axis, U1 AP and L1 AP decreased significantly, indicating that the mandible moves backward; A relatively larger vertical condylar displacement seems to suggest a backward moving mandible with a relatively larger anterioposterior displacement suggesting a forward moving mandible; NP FH, NA PA, SNB, ANB, Y axis, FA and UL EP correlate significantly with the vertical condylar displacement. [WT5”HZ]Conclusion [WT5”BZ]The headfilm tracing in CR reveals significantly different maxillomandibular relationship from that in MI and gives us important instruction in clinical diagnosis.[WT5”HZ]
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics