
商业银行国有股权边界的海外实践与借鉴 被引量:1

Practices and References Abroad of Confines of State-owned Shares in Commercial Banks
摘要 在西方发达国家 ,多数国家如美国、英国、日本等的商业银行大多数是私有产权下的股份制商业银行 ,只有少数国家实行一定程度的国有化。本文认为 ,2 0世纪 80年代以来世界各国商业银行国有股权变更的银行数目统计数据、变更的国有股权份额数据以及国有股权份额的区间数据 ,可以让我们从不同的角度直面商业银行国有股权边界的变迁及其结果 。 The most of commercial banks in inajority of the western developed countries,such as U.S.A., Britain, Japan, are joint stock banks under private ownership; while minority of those are state-owned to a certain extent. The paper holds, we can grasp changes of confines in commercial banks' state-owned useful revelationshares and those results in many respects from date the statistical data of a number of banks which changed the state-owned shares, data of changing state-owned shares and boundary data of state-owned shares.since 1980s.Then, we can get some useful revelation.
作者 虞群娥
出处 《财经论丛(浙江财经学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期51-59,共9页
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划基金 (NB0 3YJ2 6) 浙江省社会科学联合会基金资助项目 (0 3Z2 0 )
关键词 商业银行 国有股权 经验数据与借鉴 commercial banks stated-owned shares empirical data and reference
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