

Altiero Spinelli and the Making of the Draft Treaty Establishing the European Union 1984
摘要 阿尔蒂诺·斯皮内利是二战后“欧洲联邦主义”的代表人物之一。20世纪70-80年代,他为了实现共同体改革,按“宪法方式”推进一体化,积极努力建立联邦式的欧洲联盟。特别是他在欧洲议会组织“鳄鱼集团”,推动欧洲议会制定并在1984年通过《欧洲联盟条约草案》,设计了一个联邦式的欧洲联盟的框架。这个“条约草案”没有付诸实施,但对重新激活欧洲一体化进程、推动共同体改革和《单一欧洲法案》的产生,起到了积极的作用。 In 1970's and 1980's Altiero Spinelli, as a tireless Euro-federalist, struggled persistently for the re-launch of the European integration and tried to put up an overall institutional reform of the Community according to the constitutional approach he favored. His and his crocodile club's efforts and activities in this regard played a key part in the making of the Draft Treaty establishing the European Union, which the European Parliament adopted in 1984. Even if Spinelli's expectations were only reflected partly in the Draft Treaty and the Draft Treaty never put into practice, his efforts did play a part in revitalizing the integration and leading to the Single European Act of 1986.
作者 黄正柏
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期87-93,共7页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 斯皮内利 欧共体改革 欧洲联盟条约草案 Altiero Spinelli institutional reform of EC Draft Treaty establishing the European Union
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