三峡工程安全监测中 ,作为水平位移监测基准的倒垂装置最深达 110米 ,为目前国内最深倒垂装置 ,而且三峡工程中还有多种直径的变径倒垂装置。通过精确计算和反复调试 ,研制了一套计算变径倒垂装置有效孔 (管 )径及中心坐标的解算模型和解析计算程序 ,确立了一种精度高、解算速度快的解析方法。
The inverse plumb system, being as the horizontal movement monitoring reference system in Three Gorges Dam's safety monitoring, is a basic benchmark. The deepest inverse plumb system at Three Gorges Dam is 110 meters; it is also the deepest one in China. What is more, the protective pipe's diameter of that is varied. According to the precise calculation and iterative testing, a new method and software have been proposed, which can help the calculation of the varied protective pipe's diameter and the center coordinate in a very accurate and efficient way.
Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying