

Effect of α-Dystroglycan on development of thymic T cells in vitro
摘要 目的 :研究α DG在胸腺T细胞中的表达及其对胸腺T细胞发育的作用。方法 :摘取 15日龄胚胎鼠胸腺进行体外器官培养。FACS检查不同发育时期胸腺T细胞上α DG的表达水平 ;于胸腺小叶上滴加α DG抗体、对照抗体或培养液。FACS分析胸腺T细胞表面CD4、CD8等的表达。结果 :15~ 19天胸腺CD4 -CD8-、CD4 + CD8+ 、CD4 -CD8+ 、CD4 + CD8-等细胞上均有不同水平的α DG表达 ;α DG抗体的干扰使胸腺T细胞发育明显受阻 ,表现为 :双阴性细胞比例极显著的增高从对照组的 2 6 5 3%到干扰组的 71 6 0 %、双阳性细胞和CD8单阳性细胞比例显著下降 ,从 39 81%、2 0 6 6 %分别下降到 7 5 0 %、6 85 %、CD4单阳性细胞比例无明显变化 ;同时胸腺细胞数目明显减少 ;随胸腺发育时间的延长和α DG抗体的持续存在 ,上述现象明显加剧。结论 :α DG广泛表达在胸腺细胞上 ,并参与胸腺T细胞的发育和分化。 Objective:Analysis the effect of α DG on thymus T cell differentiation in vitro.Methods:The thymus lobes picking from the day 15 fetal mice were cultured in FTOC,the α DG mAb、isotype mAb or medium were added over the culturing thymus lobe,the expression of CD4、CD8 from fetal mice thymus lobe were analysed by FACS.Results:Differentiation of thymocytes was inhibited by α DG mAb.The rate of DN thymocytes were increased markedly from 26 53% in control to 71 60% in test group after 6 days culture.DP and CD8 + SP cells were decreased obviously from 39 81% and 20 66% to 7 50% and 6 84%,respectively.But the rate of CD4 + SP cells was not significantly changed.The number of thymocytes also decreased after neutralization α DG mAb was added.Conclusion:α Dystroglycan was expressed on thymic T cells and participated in differentiation and development of thymocytes. [
出处 《中国免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期8-12,共5页 Chinese Journal of Immunology
基金 上海市优秀学科带头人计划 (0 4XD14 0 0 3 ) 国家重点基础研究发展规划 (2 0 0 1CB5 10 0 0 5 )资助项目 上海--联合利华研究与发展基金资助
关键词 器官培养 胸腺分化发育 T细胞成熟 Fetal thymus organ culture Thymus differentiation T cells maturation
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