依据野外调查和遥感动态监测结果,对毛乌素地区的土地利用与沙漠化过程的发展及其防治进行了研究。结果表明,该地区20世纪80年代中期和90年代末轻度以上沙漠化土地面积分别占土地总面积的85 98%和86 07%,沙漠化土地的总面积略有增加,总体趋于稳定;但沙漠化程度加重,重度以上的沙漠化土地面积在总土地面积中增加了3 6%;沙漠化发展的重要原因之一就是人类不合理的土地利用方式。不合理土地利用方式及土地利用方式的改变,使以风沙活动为主导外营力的沙漠化过程得以发展。最后,根据毛乌素地区沙漠化过程与土地利用之关系,提出了研究区防治土地沙漠化应调整农业结构和土地利用方式的建议。
The land-use and land desertification development in the Mu Us Sandland region were studied through field investigation and by remote monitoring method. The results indicate the proportion of desertification land area in the whole area of land is 85.98% in the middle period of the 1980s while 86.07% in the end stage of the 1990s.That is, the area of desertification land of the whole area tends towards stability though a little increment. The desertification degree is aggravated to some extents that extremely desertification land area adds up to 3.6% of the whole area. One of the most important reasons of desertification developing is that human utilize land unreasonably, which successfully triggers the desertification processes. At last, Based on the relationship of sandy desertification and land-use, some suggestions have been put forward to adjust both structure of agriculture and manner of land-use so as to manage the land desertification in the Mu Us Sandland region.
Journal of Desert Research
国家科技部科技攻关计划(2002BA51712 1)资助