研究表明:封育区植被盖度一年四季大于未封育区,在正常年份的生长季内前者植被盖度为17 89%~29 39%,后者为11 60%~16 05%。封育区和未封育区150m样线上的灌木植物在70~90株(丛)和60~70株(丛)之间,基本保持稳定;草本植物个体数月变化则显著,未封育区从4月份以后数量递增,7、8月显著增加,8月底达到最大值,而封育区则表现为4、5月增加,6月减少,7、8、9月线性增加,达到最大值,且未封育区草本植物的数量少于封育区。未封育区由于植被盖度低,灌丛分布不均匀,沙面裸露多,地面风沙流活动强烈,白刺沙包风蚀严重;而封育区植被盖度较大,灌丛分布较均匀,风沙流活动弱,白刺沙包稳定,形成了较为稳定的自然植被生态系统。试验表明,在当地气候和地理条件下,通过封育或避免人为干预,荒漠区生态植被的自然恢复,可大大增加防风固沙能力,改善当地的生态环境。
Vegetation coverage in enclosure area is bigger than that in non-enclosure area during four seasons. In the growth season of normal years the coverage is 17\^89%~29\^39% in enclosed lands and 11\^60%~16\^05% in non-enclosed lands. The shrub numbers within sample lines of 150 m are more stable, which is 70~90 individuals(or clumps) in enclosed lands and 60~70 individuals(or clumps) in non-enclosed lands. However, the number of herb plants in non-enclosed lands is obviously varied in the sample lines in growth season, which smoothly increased from April to June, remarkably increased in July to August, and reached to the most at the end of August; the number in enclosed lands increased smoothly from April to May, reduced in June, again increased linearly from July to September, and reached to the most at the end of September. The wind-sand activity at sand surface and erosion of Nitraria dune are strong in non-enclosure area because of small vegetation coverage, less evenness of shrub distribution and unstable sand surface, while the weak wind-sand activity and stable Nitraria dune are showed in closure land because of bigger vegetation coverage, more evenness of shrub distribution, fixed sand surface and a more stable natural vegetation restoration eco-system. The experiment shows that the eco-vegetation can be restored and the eco-environment can be improved under local climate and geography through sandy land enclosure and non human activity.
Journal of Desert Research
由甘肃省重点科技项目(QS992 C31 010)