目的 通过对存在于一个收养家庭内部的HIV 1的变异情况及其相互间的遗传关系的研究 ,推测该家庭内存在的HIV 1是否属同一来源。方法 从我省发现的某个家庭内HIV感染者成员的样品中扩增HIV 1的env基因的V3-V5区 ,进行序列测定和分析。并由其DNA序列推导对应的编码氨基酸。使用clustalX软件进行核酸序列和氨基酸序列的多重排列 ,利用PHYLIP软件包进行离散率分析、绘制进化树等。结果 该家庭 3个感染者体内存在的HIV 1均为AE重组病毒 ,在HIV 1毒株的遗传关系上 ,存在于养父母间毒株的亲缘较近 ,养子与养父母的亲缘关系较远。特别是在V3区的氨基酸序列特征上 ,养子的序列与养父母的序列有较为明显的不同。结论 可能有不同来源的病毒造成该家庭内成员的HIV 1感染。
Through the studies on the genetic relation of the HIV 1 infected individuals in a adopted single family by the comparison of the nuclear acid sequences of HIV 1 obtained from the infected members in this family, it is aspected to determine whether a sole virus source could lead to the infection with HIV in the 3 members of this family, including an adopted boy of 5 years old and his foster parents. The V3 V5 region of HIV 1 env gene was amplified, and the amplified products with the sequence-specific primers were inserted into the TA clone vector subsequently, they were sequenced with the M13 primers located on two flanks of the insert site. The Clustal X program was applied to multi-align corrected nuclear acid and the deduced amino acid sequence. Meanwhile, the viral genetic distance was calculated with PHYLIP software package. The results showed that all the HIV 1 of 3 infected members in this family belong to the AE circular recombinant forms of virus, in comparison with the sequences from 3 HIV-infected individuals to those deposited in the GenBank. According to the genetic distance, viral relationship between foster parents was more closed than that between the adopted boy and foster father or mother. The amino acid sequences derived from nuclear acid sequences from the boy differed significantly from that from the parents. It is concluded that the HIV 1 viruses in these 3 infected individuals of this family may be two distinct strains and come from different sources, as judged from the results of the present study and the epidemiological investigation.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses