目的 :研究子宫内膜异位症患者 (EMs)与非子宫内膜异位症 (非EMs)患者在位子宫内膜基因表达的差异 ,从分子水平探讨子宫内膜异位症的发病机制。方法 :选用含有 14 112位点的人类表达谱cDNA基因芯片 ,筛选EMs患者与非EMs患者不同月经周期在位子宫内膜的差异表达基因。结果 :筛选出增生期差异基因 193个 ,其中上调 5 8个 ,下调 135个 ;分泌期差异基因 93个 ,其中上调 6个 ,下调 87个 ;增生期和分泌期共同差异基因 2 0个 ,其中上调 1个 ,下调 19个。结论 :用表达谱基因芯片可有效地研究EMs患者与非EMs患者不同月经周期在位子宫内膜基因表达的差异 ,通过进一步分析有望筛选出与EMs相关的新基因靶点。
Objective:To compare the differential expression genes be tween eutopic endometria of patients with endometriosis and eutopic endometria o f normal-menstruating women without endometriosis and discuss the pathogenesis of endometriosis.Method:The human gene expression of endometri a with endometriosis and without endometriosis in different period of menstrual cycle with 14112 human genes of cDNA microarrays was analyzed.Results: 193 differential genes expressed in endometria were screened out in the peri od of prolife ration. Among them, 58 were up-regulated, 135 were down-regulated.93 genes dif ferential expr essed in endometria were screened out in the period of secretion. Among them, 6 were up-regulated, 87 were down-regulated. 20 genes were screened out both in th e period of proliferation and secretion. Among them, only 1 gene was up-regulat e d, 19 genes were down-regulated.Conclusion:cDNA microarray te c hnique is effective in screening out the differentially expressed genes between normal endometria and endometia of patients with endometriosis. Further analysis of those obtained genes w ill be hopeful to find the new diagnostic target about endometriosis.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology
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