北京政变后 ,冯玉祥为抗衡张作霖与段祺瑞 ,开始寻求苏联的军事援助 ;苏联出于推动中国革命和维护自身安全的需要 ,积极支持冯玉祥 ,以打击奉张 ,制约日本。俄共 (布 )中央政治局中国委员会成立后 ,对冯玉祥及其国民军的援助 ,得到了进一步的加强 ,但时间短、力度小 ,在直奉两系联合进攻下 ,国民军仍然未能改变失败的命运。
After the 1924 Beijing coup, Feng Yuxiang began to seek military support of the Soviet Union in order to counter Zhang Zuolin and Duan Qirui. For the sake of promoting the Chinese revolution and maintaining their own national security, the Soviets vigorously supported Feng Yuxiang so as to weaken Zhang Zuolin and contain Japan. Soviet military support for Feng was stepped up after the China Committee of the Central Bureau of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) was established, but did not last long enough, nor was strong enough to bolster Feng Yuxiang. Under the joint attack of the Zhili Clique and Fengtian Clique, Feng’s army was unable to avoid defeat.
Modern Chinese History Studies