流传于北魏宫掖与鲜卑贵族间的《代歌》 ,是拓跋族的民族史诗。道武帝时修撰的北魏早期历史《代记》 ,主要当是依据《代歌》。《魏书·序纪》大体是以《代记》为本。辑集《代歌》和修撰《代记》的重要人物是邓渊。由于邓渊冤死 ,崔浩死于国史之狱 ,北魏一代史学衰微 ,史官视修纂北魏前期历史为畏途。考察《序纪》的来历 ,可以看出拓跋族面对其民族早期历史的某些问题时陷入的痛苦与窘境。
Songs of Dai (“Dai” is a state by the Tuoba Tribe of Xianbei Nationality during the Sixteen state Period), a very popular work at court and among Xianbei aristocrats, was a national epic of the Tuoba people. During the reign of Emperor Daowu a history of the early Wei, Records of Dai , was produced based on Songs of Dai . The “Introduction(Xuji)” to the History of the Wei was based on Records of Dai . The chief editor and compiler of the two works was Deng Yuan. Since Deng Yuan died of a false charge and Cui Hao also died in prison in connection with the case of national history the historians regarded writing history of the early Northern Wei as dangerous and,as a result,historiography ceased to flourish. Analyses of the origins of this “Introduction” reveal that the people of Tuoba experienced considerable pain and dilemma over certain problems in their early history. This provides an example of ethnic integration in medieval China,which deserves our great attention.
Historical Research