《唐贤三昧集》是王士禛晚年作为本人诗学的一个总结而加以精心 编纂的一部颇具特色的唐诗总集。其宗旨既有如众所周知的“诗禅相通”的一 面,但同时亦有显示诗、禅扦格难通的一面。这后一面在《唐贤三昧集》中的 存在,表明渔洋意识中对于“诗禅相通”的原则,也并不是全无保留的,其认 识对此甚至还是十分自觉的。《唐贤三昧集》与渔洋诗学的这一个方面,历来 未为人充分认识。本文试图通过分析《唐贤三昧集》中并存的这两个方面,探 讨渔洋诗学乃至中国诗学“诗禅相通”原则可信、可行的限度。
Tang Xian San Mei Ji is an anthology of poems in the Tang dynasty, deliberately compiled by Wang Shizhen when he conjectured poetic findings in his later years. Its fundamental points are as follows: that on the one hand, poetry is congenial to Dhyana (the form of Buddhist meditation), and on the other hand, poetry alienates Dhyana. The former part revals some resevations that Wang Shizhen quite consciously held for the principles of 'affinity of poetry with Dhyana'. This part of viempoints in the anthology Tang Xian San Met Ji and in Wang Shizhen's poetics used to be neglected or were not fully acknowledged. By the analysis of the coexisting parts of viewpoints revealed in the anthology Tang Xian San Mei Ji, this text tries to rearch on the confinements of the principles of 'affinity of poetry with Dhyana' in Wang Shizhen's poetics and even in Chinese poetics.