杜甫的诗歌已有不少学者进行了多层次的研究 ,但《唐故万年县君京兆杜氏墓》和“义姑”京兆杜氏对杜甫的影响却很少有人触及。杜诗的体裁是全面的 ,本文将就上述问题做一个相应的考证性研究。
Many scholars have researched Tu Fu's poems from man y aspects, but few scholars mention the 'the epitaph of nēe Tu who was in Wann ian county and died on Tang Dynasty' and the effects that Tu Fu got from his 'adoptive aunt' nēe Tu, the types of literature of Tu Fu's poems were all- sided, the paper will make a relevant textual research of above mentioned prob lem.
Journal of Hechi University