设计了一种具有数据采集功能的电弧螺柱焊控制器 ,该控制器以MCS— 5 1单片机为主控元件 ,用程序控制焊接过程的实现。与 5 5 5定时控制器相比 ,具有更高的定时精度和更大的发展空间 ;控制器外扩A/D转换电路、焊接参数采样电路 ,在焊接过程中对电弧电压及焊接电流进行数据采集处理。试验结果表明 ,该控制器能在控制实现电弧螺柱焊过程的基础上 ,通过采集焊接参数客观反映焊接过程的变化。
An arc stud welding controller with date acqui si tion function is developed in this paper.A MCS—51 single-chip is adapted as th e main control component to control the realization of welding procedure.Compar ing with 555 timer,it possesses higher timing accuracy and far-reaching develop ing space.Extended A/D translation circuit and sample circuit of welding paramet er are employed to realize the date acquisition of arc voltage and welding curre nt in the welding process.From the test results,it is indicated that the contr oller can not only realize arc stud welding procedure,but also describe the wel ding process by date acquisition of welding parameter.
Electrotechnical Journal