
多孔介质中凝析气相变实验的新方法 被引量:1

A Novel Process for Phase Change Experiment of Gas Condensate in Porous Media
摘要 由于凝析气藏存在着复杂的地下烃体系,凝析油气体系与储集层多孔介质间的相互作用,使得凝析气在多孔介质中相态变化规律十分复杂。而现有多孔介质相变实验方法中,压力、温度偏低,不能反映储集层中凝析气的相变特点。针对这一问题,以凝析气相变理论为基础,利用气相色谱分析技术,创建了一种能真实反应凝析气在多孔介质中相变的实验新方法,在渗透率为0.011μm2的介质与PVT筒中的凝析气相变实验结果表明,低渗透介质对凝析气相态特征具有较大的影响。与目前相变实验方法相比,该方法的测试结果可靠性高、精度高。 In a condensate gas reservoir, there exist complex in-situ hydrocarbon systems and their interactions with porous media, which tend to bringing about more complexity in phase behavior change in it. The available experiments of phase behavior change couldn't reflect the characteristics of condensate gas in real reservoirs due to their lower pressure and temperature. In view of this issue, a new experimental process that can actually reflect such a phase behavior change is developed by applying gas chromatographic technique and based on the theory of phase behavior change for condensate gas, under the conditions of permeability of 0.011μm2 and PVT cell. The results show that greater influences of low permeability porous media on the phase behavior characteristics of condensate gas. This process is indicated to be more reliable and accurate than available methods for phase-change experiment.
出处 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 2004年第6期673-675,共3页 Xinjiang Petroleum Geology
基金 国家973课题 固相变渗流理论(编号:2001CB209108)
关键词 凝析气藏 多孔介质 油气体系 凝析油 气相 储集层 低渗透 相变理论 实验方法 相互作用 porous media condensate gas phase behavior phase change gas chromatography
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