

Searching for a Balance between Dam Constructionand Ecosystem Protection
摘要 水电与可持续发展、大坝与生态,近年来引起了世人的关注,究竟是建坝还是拆坝?人们在争论中逐渐加深了对水电开发、大坝建设所带来的巨大效益和对生态环境负面影响的认识,如何减少和避免负面影响成为世界各国关注的焦点。2004年10月18日在湖北宜昌召开了第九次河流泥沙国际学术讨论会,10月27日在北京举行了联合国水电与可持续发展国际研讨会,来自各国政府的官员、专家、学者、国际组织和非政府组织的代表共同探讨如何在开发水能资源中,更好地保护人类共同的家园———地球,保护生态环境,减少温室气体排放,促进世界水电的健康发展,促进人与自然、人与河流和谐相处这一河流治理基本目标的实现。联合国水电与可持续发展研讨会还通过了《水电与可持续发展北京宣言》,表明了水电建设者的决心,就是要用科学的态度和方法,促进环境友好、对社会负责和经济可行的水电发展。在会议期间本刊记者采访了联合国的官员、世界银行代表、国外知名专家和学者,并整理了他们的一些观点,以飨读者。 Relationship between hydropower and sustainable development, or large dams with ecosystem have caught great attention from us in recent years. Many debates have been raised on whether dams should be built or removed. Due to the argument, people start to realize that, on the one hand hydropower development or dam construction can generate benefits, but on the other hand it also bring a lot of adverse effects. How to alleviate and avoid its negative impact have become the focal points concerned by many countries worldwide. At the International Symposium on River Sedimentation held in Yichang, Hubei Province on October 18, 2004 and the United Nations Symposium on Hydropower and Sustainable Development in Beijing on October 27, 2004, many officials, specialists and academicians of different countries and representatives from non-governmental organizations held talks on how to protect the Earth-our common land as well as our ecosystem while developing water energy sources, how to reduce greenhouse emission and promote a healthy development of hydropower resources of the World, how to realize the basic goal of a harmonious coexistence of human with nature and rivers in river basin regulation and the sustainable development strategy. In the United Nations Symposium on Hydropower and Sustainable Development, the Beijing Declaration on Hydropower and Sustainable Development was agreed upon for promoting an environmental friendly, socially responsible and economically viable development of hydropower resources in scientific manners and means. During these symposiums, generalists of China Water Resources interviewed some officials, academicians or famous experts from the United Nations, the World Bank and other countries and summaries some of the points made by them for the reference to our readers
作者 韦凤年
机构地区 本刊记者
出处 《中国水利》 2004年第23期14-15,共2页 China Water Resources








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