分析了码垛机卸料控制系统在试生产中发生故障的原因 ,简要介绍了采用变频调速改造的方法。改造后 ,从根本上解决了码垛机因电机轴的断裂等故障而影响正常生产的情况 ,不仅提高了码垛机的使用效率、增加了经济效益 ,同时也减轻了操作及维护的劳动强度。
An analysis is given of the reasons why the unloading control system of the palletizer breaks down during trial-production, and a brief account is given of the method for modification with speed regulation by frequency conversion. After modification, the problem has been completely solved, viz., the problem of the effect on normal production of the failure due to breakage of the motor shaft of the palletizer, and this not only improves the availability factor of the palletizer and the economic bene-fit, but also reduces labor intensity in operation and maintenance.
Chemical Fertilizer Industry