New results in the dynamics of epidemic outbreaks obtained by time-domain statistical analysis are presented. Once the parameters of the time-domain statistical distributions for the incubation period and active period of an epidemic disease are given, the dynamics of the disease outbreak in a closed system with given infection probability can be completely determined by solving stochastic differential-integrative equations. Calculation shows that, after a long enough time, the final infection rate of the system is determined by the index T2 = cNt2 , where is the infection probability of individuals in the system, N the number of individuals, and t2 the average length of the active period of the disease. If τ2 > 3, the final infection rate of the system may reach 100% , so τ2 can also be called the risk index. In the early days of the epidemic, the oscillatory and intermittent behavior of the new-active rate is determined by another index, τ1 =cNt1 where t1 is the average length of the incubation period. This theory overcomes the drawback of the SIR model which does nottake sufficient account of the time-domain statistics, and can provide a better theoretical prediction for the infection dynamics in a closed system.