
三羟基异黄酮和17-β雌二醇对自由基缩血管效应的影响 被引量:1

Effects of genistein and estradiol on ROS-mediated vasoconstriction
摘要 目的 :研究自由基引发血管收缩的机制 ,并通过血管静息张力的变化探讨三羟基异黄酮和 17 β雌二醇对自由基缩血管效应的影响。方法 :制备猪冠状动脉血管环 ,固定于恒温肌槽内 ,待平衡后 ,加入各种药物观察血管张力的变化。结果 :内皮完整的血管环在O2· -作用下产生明显的收缩 ,去除内皮后无明显反应。 1μmol·L-1三羟基异黄酮对O2· -引发血管收缩有明显的抑制作用 (P <0 .0 1,n =16 ) ,1μmol·L-117 β雌二醇无明显作用。H2 O2 使去内皮血管环产生明显的收缩作用 ,对内皮完整的血管环缩血管效应不明显 ,30 μmol·L-1三羟基异黄酮可明显抑制H2 O2 的缩血管作用。结论 :三羟基异黄酮可明显抑制O2· -和H2 O2 的缩血管效应 ,其作用明显强于 17 β雌二醇。 AIM : To investigate the effects of different reactive oxygen species on the resting tension of porcine coronary arterial rings and to identify the effects of GEN and EST on ROS elicited vasoconstriction. METHODS : Porcine coronary rings were prepared and then mounted in the organ bath. After an equilibration period, the changes treated with the drugs were observed. RESULTS : Rings with intact endothelium appeared an obvious contraction after treatment with O 2 ·- whereas endothelium denuded rings had no effects. H 2O 2 induced a fast and transient contraction in the endothelium denuded rings and failed in intact endothelium rings. 1 μmol·L -1 GEN significantly inhibited contractile response evoked by O 2 ·- . In contrast with GEN, 1 μmol·L -1 EST had no effects. 30 μmol·L -1 GEN markedly attenuated the contraction elicited by H 2O 2. CONCLUSION : GEN has distinct inhibitive effect on vasoconstriction induced by O 2 ·- and H 2O 2, and its action is obviously superior to that in EST.
出处 《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 CAS CSCD 2005年第1期87-90,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目 (№ 2 0 0 3 0 3 444 2 )。
关键词 三羟基异黄酮 17-Β雌二醇 血管张力 自由基 冠状血管 genistein estradiol vascular arterial tension reactive oxygen species coronary artery
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