

Study on the Interpretation Attack of Digital Watermarking and Its Relating Characteristics
摘要 数字水印作为一种版权保护技术已经成为目前的研究热点,引起了越来越多的关注.但是,对于数字水印的攻击也在不断的出现,其中以解释攻击(IBM攻击)最为危险.文章通过对解释攻击进行分析,首次提出了水印的关联性特征对水印嵌入进行规范,并提出了借助于第三方机构和信息的包容关系两种构造水印关联性特征的方法.通过对利用信息包容关系的方法进行测试,我们认为如果所有水印嵌入都能够遵守水印关联性特征,那么就可以解决解释攻击的问题. Digital watermarking has been the hotspot of international academia in the domain of information security. With the development of digital watermarking more and more attacks on it appeared, interpretation attack is the most dangerous attack of them. In this paper, after analyzing the interpretation attack, we first put forward the relating characteristic to rule the embedding. In addition, we propose two ways to create relating characteristic, one relys on the third party, the other bases on the interrelation of information. After testing the second way, we conclude that if all embeddings abide by the principles, the interpretation attack could be resolved.
作者 李维仙
出处 《廊坊师范学院学报》 2004年第4期34-38,共5页 Journal of Langfang Teachers College
关键词 数字水印 解释攻击 关联性特征 digital watermarking interpretation attack relating characteristic
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