目的 了解我院五年间抗感染药物应用状况及发展趋势,为加强抗菌药物临床应用的科学管理,促进合理应用提供理论依据。方法 本文采用DDDs分析法及消耗金额统计法对我院抗菌药物的使用频度及消耗金额统计排序,对各类抗感染药物的临床地位及应用情况进行评价分析。结果 五年内药品销售总金额是逐年上升,抗感染药物销售金额占西药销售总金额的比例逐年下降;头孢菌素类临床使用份额最高,占居主导地位;阿齐霉素连续 3年居我院药品销售首位,氨苄西林/舒巴坦及头孢曲松分别连续 3年居前 3位,提示其价位较高且临床使用范围广;药品青霉素G钠、阿莫西林胶囊、利菌沙的DDDs连续居领先地位,提示其用药频度高,治疗地位稳定。
Objective To get a clear idea about the curren t s ituation and future developing trend of the use of anti-infective drugs,so as t o provide foundation for rational clinical use of antibiotics and scientific manage of clini cal application of drugs.Methods By using the order of sum of money and DDDs,the anti-infective drugs used in our hospital in 1999~2003 were analyzed. Appraised their clinical status and current situation of using.Results During 5 years, the proportions of anti-infective sum of money accounting for drugs were descend.C ephalosporins shared the highest part in clinical drug using.Azithromycin occupied the top during the last 3 years.Ampicillin Sodium/Sulbactam and Ceftriaxone sodium were keeping ahead during continuous 3 years.It is clear that these drugs' price were higher but using widely.Benzylpenicillin G,Amoxicillin Capsule and Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate were preceding in order of DDDs during successive 3 years.It indicates that the frequency of using these drugs was high and clinical application were stable in therapy of infection.
qilu pharmaceutical affairs
antibacterial drugs
development analysis